Welcome back to another installment of Hidden Gems, where we showcase our destinations’ most special experiences to inspire your next big trip.

Today, we’re taking you to the sandy beaches of Morocco—home to some of the world’s most perfect kiting conditions. More specifically, however, we’re taking you to a place called The Speed Spot.

“The Speed Spot in Dakhla is one of the best flatwater kite spots in the world,” says Heli’s own Andy Culp. “When we say flat water, we mean butter so flat, the sound the board makes slicing through the surface brings joy to the soul. With consistent winds and no chop, it’s the perfect place to work on freeride and freestyle tricks, all with the backdrop of mountainous desert terrain. It feels like you’re on another planet.”

The best way to access The Speed Spot is to bunk up at Dakhla PK25, a 25-room, 32-bungalow property with all the comfort and amenities you could ever need. This place is as good as it gets, and offers a top-notch restaurant, bar, and spa on top of the world-class kiting. To learn more, hit the button below and start exploring trips.