Level 1 offers two definitions for ‘Zig Zag’ – the name of their new film coming out this season.

1. a pattern created using alternating course.
2. another word for skiing.

True – although I struggle to believe that Zig Zag rolling papers had ZERO influence on this title! From the producers:

“Following nearly two decades of ski movie pedigree, Level 1 documents a lifestyle of contradiction. Timeless ephemera. Love and money. Natural and synthetic. Powder and slush. Stagnant and innovative. Untracked and well-travelled. Consistent but not predictable. Swerving left, right and diagonal, yet never asleep at the wheel.”

This trailer is phenomenal. Full of all that good stuff we like, a good mix of big mountain lines, urban rails, and a solid amount of water. ‘Zig Zag’ by Level 1 just shot up to the top of the list for must see ski films this season.